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Balancing The Overwhelm Of Motherhood
I had wanted to become a mother for as far back as I can remember. I was the type of girl that knew her children’s names way before she met the right guy- just hoping he would be fine with it and stick to the plan!
It was during college that I met my husband Aaron. A few years later, we were married, I started my full-time career as an elementary music teacher, and three years later, I gave birth to my wonderful son, Lincoln.
Before I had kids, I was always a busy person. I always had something to do, or someplace to be, and I always had a million tasks to complete.
Anyone who has had a child knows how impossible that is to continue when you have a tiny human depending on you for everything, especially if you’re breastfeeding.
Postpartum depression hit me hard. I was constantly depressed, and felt like I was never getting anything accomplished anymore. I felt like all my life was going to consist of from now on was cleaning up the house, taking care of my children, and being supermom, trying to balance it all without any self-care for myself, and with a terribly depressed and negative mindset. I was exhausted, burnt out, and desperately seeking change.
I then took it upon myself to make the change I so desperately desired. I began task prioritizing. I sought out experts for sleep training my son. I made a set of systems and routines for my family to follow, creating routines for everything, from the minute we wake up to the minute our heads hit the pillow at night. I began to make my time work for me, and own my life again as a mother. I felt this weight lifted off my my shoulders, and felt like I could finally breathe again.
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